What about all these mosquitoes?!

There are many reasons people are moving to our beautiful emerald beaches here in South Walton. Along with the beaches, there are many parks, forests, and trails to explore and call home. With many outdoor adventures awaiting, many people are unaware of the pesky ladies waiting for their blood meals: MOSQUITOES! 
In our area, we have several pest treatment companies all of whom can treat mosquitos at your home.  The most common house mosquito is Aedes Albopictus, which has the potential to carry Dengue and yellow fever. These mosquitoes are commonly found in yards and around houses. The best way to prevent them in your yard is to practice the five Ds:

• Dump/Drain standing water from containers.
• Dress in light colors and long sleeves
• Deet: (Use mosquito repellent)
• Dawn & Dusk: avoid being outside around dusk and dawn; this is the most active time for mosquitoes to be out.

In South Walton, there are around 45 mosquito species seen yearly. The most problematic are Culex nigripalpus and Culex Quinquefasciatus, which are known to carry West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis.

Mosquitos have different levels of activity during the year. 

January-March Low mosquito activity
April- June Increasing mosquito activity
• Yellow fly season begins
July- September High mosquito activity
• Drought-like conditions: mosquitoes lay their eggs in any standing water, leading to spikes in mosquito activity.
October-December Decrease in mosquito activity

If you have a mosquito problem, contact your local pest treatment company and remember to practice the five Ds!