5 Ways to Maintain Your Fitness During and After Your Move

man and woman doing yoga in their house

Dr. Matt Hirn and Dr. Greg Bailen of Thrive-HQ | Physical Therapy & Wellness shared with BeLocal St. Croix Valley some amazing tips for keeping up with your fitness routine in the midst of a move.

Moving is overwhelming. Not to mention, it’s a lot of hard work on our bodies. But even though you may be breaking a sweat moving furniture, unpacking boxes, decorating rooms, or painting, it’s not the kind of physical activity our bodies need to stay fit. Exercise is intentional movement focused on improvement. This distinction between physical activity and exercise is so important because the longer you go without purposeful, planned exercise, the harder it is to start up again. Can you relate?

Having planned exercise on your calendar keeps your fitness top-of-mind and helps you continue healthy habits you’ve worked hard to build. As you settle in and chip away at unpacking those boxes in the garage (and guest bedroom), it’s important to keep your health and fitness a priority. At Thrive-HQ, our mission is to change lives through movement. And we firmly believe the best form of exercise is what you can do consistently. Here are five ways to stay consistent in your fitness during and after your move:

1. Schedule your workouts

Carve out 45 or 60 minutes for exercise each day. It’s enough time to warm up, work out and cool down. (Or, take a drive to your favorite studio.) Tip: plan your exercise the night before so you can jump right into it without overthinking.

2. Track your progress and your why

Recording workouts and tracking progress helps you be more intentional. Use a journal or fitness app to move the needle on your progress and capture why exercise is important to you. To be the best version of yourself? To be a role model for your family? Your why is what drives you to be consistent.

3. Find an accountability partner

Grab your spouse, close friend or a new neighbor to get motivated together and stay consistent. On days you lack motivation, your accountability partner will be there to drag you out of bed and pump you up.

4. Don’t let perfect get in the way of good

People often have an all-or-nothing mindset when it comes to working out. If they don’t have time to do what they consider to be a full workout, or if an injury is holding them back, they’ll skip their exercise. It’s consistency, not perfection, that will help you reach your goals.

5. Don’t forget the basics

Prioritize clean and nutritious eating, drink 100 to 120 ounces of water every day, practice healthy sleep habits (seven to nine quality hours each night), and mindfully manage stress.

If you're in the Lake Elmo area and are looking for a place to start your fitness journey, or freshen up your current workout and wellness routine, stop in to Thrive-HQ for personalized fitness assessments, yoga classes, wellness coaching or physical therapy. If there’s something you need outside our care, we’ll get you connected with local gyms and trainers we trust. Because we’re here to serve you — not your insurance company.

–Dr. Matt Hirn and Dr. Greg Bailen of Thrive-HQ | Physical Therapy & Wellness

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